Go on and fool me
First fanfic- Oneshot.
"I HATE THAT GUY!", Niji and Ikka said at the same time when they saw Hey! Say! JUMPs little star, Chinen.
Both of them knew the guy that was in the same age as them. They all worked for Johnnys Entertainment together.
"Remember when he was 15 and his voice still hadn't broke?", Ikka said and both of them laughed.
"Yes. I still think he's a spoiled brat. He's like 20years and he STILL sits on peoples laps!", Niji said furious.
"Indeed", Ikka agreed.
The girls had just seen Hey! Say! JUMPs new video on the japanese MTV. They were on their way to a new club in Tokyos inner city, so they had to hurry up if they wanted to show up in time to meet their friends outside the club.
They took a taxi to Club Vain, a place were celebritys could get away from stalking fans.
"Hello , guys", Ikka said with a catchy voice. Niji and Ikka hughed the members in Kat-Tun, then they all went inside.
Ikka looked over the dancefloor, it was filled with their friends from Johnnys E and some other japanese characters, among them were Chrystal Kaye, Leah Dizón and Shoko Nagawa.
They all went to the huge dancefloor and started dancing. All of a sudden a guy came towards Ikka. The lights were too strong for her to see who it was, but when he standed in front of her, she noticed the cute, but manly facial expressions of the person. It was Masuda, also called Massu, that standed in front of her. He sended her an adorable smile and looked into her eyes. They had met before, though they haden't talked that much with each other. Ikka smiled back at him.
"Hello there", he said with a slightly sexy voice.
"Well hello", Ikka answered wile she moved her hips.
"I bet you're the finest girl in this club because everyone is looking at you", Massu said as he got in the rythm and also moved his hips.
"Haha no, that can't be right, Leah Dizón is everyones eyecandy", she answered right back at him.
"Leah is engaged and that makes her unavaliable", he started, "and you DO look better!"
Ikka felt a littlebit akward, he was so honest, or maybe he just failed at pick up lines.
They danced together for hours. Then Ikka felt thirsty, so she and Massu went to the bar. They sat down next to Niji and Tegoshi, who were about to swallow each others. Ikka started to laugh, for some reason.
"What are you laughing about?", Massu asked gentle.
"Oh nothing. Well...You're so cute!", she just felt like being teasy.
"Why?", he raised an eyebrow.
"I don't know, you just are!", she said and couldn't resist to kiss him.
The kiss started with a playful kiss on the lips, then they felt more mature about it.
Koki tapped her on the shoulder. She pulled away from Masudas lips and gave Koki a naïve look.
"What?", she asked a bit annoyed.
"We're about to take off, we have have a live perfomance tomorrow.", he answered.
"Okay I'll come with you then", she sighed quitly.
"We'll wait outside", Koki told her.
She turned her head to massu again.
"I got to go now, but I'm sure we'll see each other soon right?", she felt nervous again.
"Ofcourse", he said calmly.
"Good then", she kissed him on the cheek.
Ikka and Niji went to the guys outside and walked home.
Ikka yawned loudly.
"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!", Niji whispered like she was screeming.
"WHAT?!", Ikka felt lost, "What have I done?!"
"SHHHHHH!", she said and put her finger over her lips.
Niji came from the kitchen to Ikkas bedroom. She bumped down on the bed beside Ikka.
"Tegoshi is sleeping in my room!", she still whispered.
Niji and Tegoshi had a Jojo-relationship going on.
"Why am I not surprised at all?", Ikka said with a grown up expression in her face, raising both eyebrows.
"I called him last night after you fell asleep", she said, "Is it okay?"
"Yes, but he have to start wearing undies. Remember last time? I dont want to see his magnum ever again, okay? It's like having to see you brother naked, I feel disgusted allready!", Ikka explained.
After having breakfast, the two of them went to the building where their filmed their videos and recorded their songs. They said goodmorning to their friends and went to the break-room to get some green tea. Coffee is overrated.
When Ikka opened the door, she saw Massu there with a girl in his lap, making out.
She closed the door fast and turned around. She was shocked. Though they had only just met, she realy thought they had something going on. She wasn't that sort of girl that kissed anyone.
Everyone in the studio had their eyes on her. The door had slammed very loudly, and now she was in focus.
"What happened?", Jin asked from the scene with a worried look on his face.
"Oh...Nothing really", she was still in shock.
The moment of emberresing was over- She didn't like it when everyone of her friends looked at only her.
"Shouldn't we go inside?", Niji asked.
Ikka just shook her head.
"Why not?", Niji opened the door, and at the same time, the girl was on her way out.
Ikka walked towards Masuda.
"What the hell are you doing?!", she asked furious.
"Excuse me?", Massu reacted.
"You made-out with her!", she shouted.
"So? I mean, we aren't a couple, right? What's the problem?", Masuda looked confused.
"Well...No...But still...I thought we had something going on!", her voice were a little high.
"I didn't mean to hurt you", he began, "But you didn't show how you feel yesterday..."
"Yes, sorry...But still...Eh, nothing", she interrupted, "No harm done..."
She filled her cup with tea. Masuda was very confused, both of them were.
He went out of the room, since Ikka was clearly ignoring him.
"What's the fuzz about?", Niji asked gently.
"Oh nothing at all. I think...", Ikka answered.
She didn't talk that much. Only if she had to.
"CAN YOU PLEASE ANSWER?!", Niji yelled.
Ikka answered the phone.
"Yes?", she said.
"Do you always answer the phone like that?", Masudas voice said.
"Goodbye", she said cold.
"Don't hang up! Please don't!", he begged.
"What do you want?", she asked.
"I thougth we've straightened things out?", Massu asked a bit hurt.
"Mmmm", Ikka felt speachless.
It was quiet for a moment.
"Do you want to go and watch a movie?", Massu asked after a while.
"I don't know...", Ikka began.
"Please?", he's voice was so cute.
"Okay then. Let's do that.", she said without thinking of it further.
"Great, I'll pick you up at four?", he asked.
"See you then!", she said with a naïve voice.
After the movie they sat in Masudas car, on the parking outside of his house.
"So you aren't angry anymore?" Massu asked carefully.
"No I'm not. Besides, I was more hurt than angry.", she told him.
"I won't do it again I promise, I really like you!", he blurred out.
"Yeah, don't you dare go on and fool me like that again!", she threatened him. "I like you too".
They started kissing, there in the car amongs the autumn leaves that were coming down the trees.
"I HATE THAT GUY!", Niji and Ikka said at the same time when they saw Hey! Say! JUMPs little star, Chinen.
Both of them knew the guy that was in the same age as them. They all worked for Johnnys Entertainment together.
"Remember when he was 15 and his voice still hadn't broke?", Ikka said and both of them laughed.
"Yes. I still think he's a spoiled brat. He's like 20years and he STILL sits on peoples laps!", Niji said furious.
"Indeed", Ikka agreed.
The girls had just seen Hey! Say! JUMPs new video on the japanese MTV. They were on their way to a new club in Tokyos inner city, so they had to hurry up if they wanted to show up in time to meet their friends outside the club.
They took a taxi to Club Vain, a place were celebritys could get away from stalking fans.
"Hello , guys", Ikka said with a catchy voice. Niji and Ikka hughed the members in Kat-Tun, then they all went inside.
Ikka looked over the dancefloor, it was filled with their friends from Johnnys E and some other japanese characters, among them were Chrystal Kaye, Leah Dizón and Shoko Nagawa.
They all went to the huge dancefloor and started dancing. All of a sudden a guy came towards Ikka. The lights were too strong for her to see who it was, but when he standed in front of her, she noticed the cute, but manly facial expressions of the person. It was Masuda, also called Massu, that standed in front of her. He sended her an adorable smile and looked into her eyes. They had met before, though they haden't talked that much with each other. Ikka smiled back at him.
"Hello there", he said with a slightly sexy voice.
"Well hello", Ikka answered wile she moved her hips.
"I bet you're the finest girl in this club because everyone is looking at you", Massu said as he got in the rythm and also moved his hips.
"Haha no, that can't be right, Leah Dizón is everyones eyecandy", she answered right back at him.
"Leah is engaged and that makes her unavaliable", he started, "and you DO look better!"
Ikka felt a littlebit akward, he was so honest, or maybe he just failed at pick up lines.
They danced together for hours. Then Ikka felt thirsty, so she and Massu went to the bar. They sat down next to Niji and Tegoshi, who were about to swallow each others. Ikka started to laugh, for some reason.
"What are you laughing about?", Massu asked gentle.
"Oh nothing. Well...You're so cute!", she just felt like being teasy.
"Why?", he raised an eyebrow.
"I don't know, you just are!", she said and couldn't resist to kiss him.
The kiss started with a playful kiss on the lips, then they felt more mature about it.
Koki tapped her on the shoulder. She pulled away from Masudas lips and gave Koki a naïve look.
"What?", she asked a bit annoyed.
"We're about to take off, we have have a live perfomance tomorrow.", he answered.
"Okay I'll come with you then", she sighed quitly.
"We'll wait outside", Koki told her.
She turned her head to massu again.
"I got to go now, but I'm sure we'll see each other soon right?", she felt nervous again.
"Ofcourse", he said calmly.
"Good then", she kissed him on the cheek.
Ikka and Niji went to the guys outside and walked home.
Ikka yawned loudly.
"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!", Niji whispered like she was screeming.
"WHAT?!", Ikka felt lost, "What have I done?!"
"SHHHHHH!", she said and put her finger over her lips.
Niji came from the kitchen to Ikkas bedroom. She bumped down on the bed beside Ikka.
"Tegoshi is sleeping in my room!", she still whispered.
Niji and Tegoshi had a Jojo-relationship going on.
"Why am I not surprised at all?", Ikka said with a grown up expression in her face, raising both eyebrows.
"I called him last night after you fell asleep", she said, "Is it okay?"
"Yes, but he have to start wearing undies. Remember last time? I dont want to see his magnum ever again, okay? It's like having to see you brother naked, I feel disgusted allready!", Ikka explained.
After having breakfast, the two of them went to the building where their filmed their videos and recorded their songs. They said goodmorning to their friends and went to the break-room to get some green tea. Coffee is overrated.
When Ikka opened the door, she saw Massu there with a girl in his lap, making out.
She closed the door fast and turned around. She was shocked. Though they had only just met, she realy thought they had something going on. She wasn't that sort of girl that kissed anyone.
Everyone in the studio had their eyes on her. The door had slammed very loudly, and now she was in focus.
"What happened?", Jin asked from the scene with a worried look on his face.
"Oh...Nothing really", she was still in shock.
The moment of emberresing was over- She didn't like it when everyone of her friends looked at only her.
"Shouldn't we go inside?", Niji asked.
Ikka just shook her head.
"Why not?", Niji opened the door, and at the same time, the girl was on her way out.
Ikka walked towards Masuda.
"What the hell are you doing?!", she asked furious.
"Excuse me?", Massu reacted.
"You made-out with her!", she shouted.
"So? I mean, we aren't a couple, right? What's the problem?", Masuda looked confused.
"Well...No...But still...I thought we had something going on!", her voice were a little high.
"I didn't mean to hurt you", he began, "But you didn't show how you feel yesterday..."
"Yes, sorry...But still...Eh, nothing", she interrupted, "No harm done..."
She filled her cup with tea. Masuda was very confused, both of them were.
He went out of the room, since Ikka was clearly ignoring him.
"What's the fuzz about?", Niji asked gently.
"Oh nothing at all. I think...", Ikka answered.
She didn't talk that much. Only if she had to.
"CAN YOU PLEASE ANSWER?!", Niji yelled.
Ikka answered the phone.
"Yes?", she said.
"Do you always answer the phone like that?", Masudas voice said.
"Goodbye", she said cold.
"Don't hang up! Please don't!", he begged.
"What do you want?", she asked.
"I thougth we've straightened things out?", Massu asked a bit hurt.
"Mmmm", Ikka felt speachless.
It was quiet for a moment.
"Do you want to go and watch a movie?", Massu asked after a while.
"I don't know...", Ikka began.
"Please?", he's voice was so cute.
"Okay then. Let's do that.", she said without thinking of it further.
"Great, I'll pick you up at four?", he asked.
"See you then!", she said with a naïve voice.
After the movie they sat in Masudas car, on the parking outside of his house.
"So you aren't angry anymore?" Massu asked carefully.
"No I'm not. Besides, I was more hurt than angry.", she told him.
"I won't do it again I promise, I really like you!", he blurred out.
"Yeah, don't you dare go on and fool me like that again!", she threatened him. "I like you too".
They started kissing, there in the car amongs the autumn leaves that were coming down the trees.
It was more than a year ago...
Since I cried this much. Jag har precis läst ut en fanfiction med Akame<3 Alltså...Snubabrna är ju inte gay IRL, varför ska det vara så svårt att förstå? Men den här lovestoryn alltså...Jag grät som mest någonsin när farmor gick bort...Det väckte massor av minnen...Men det var skönt att avreagera sig, tycker jag då, fråga Danni och hon kommer bara garva!
Danni: Yo...ehm...
Jag: Varför?!?! HUR?!?! *snyft* BLABLÖBLÖÖÖ!?
Danni: HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH xD Asså, jag var likadan!
Jag: BLABLÖBLUBLU LUUUUU! T_T *hyperventilering*
Jag: DET ÄR INDE ROLIBT! Wabbur? Jah blid imj lefen!
Danni:...precis....HAHAHHAHAHA XD
Osv, osv...
Alltså...Jag älskar den<3
The days we spent together still live...
Au revôir <3
PS. Jag längtar till le japanska<3 ^^
My bros from some other hoes...<3
Danni: Yo...ehm...
Jag: Varför?!?! HUR?!?! *snyft* BLABLÖBLÖÖÖ!?
Danni: HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH xD Asså, jag var likadan!
Jag: BLABLÖBLUBLU LUUUUU! T_T *hyperventilering*
Jag: DET ÄR INDE ROLIBT! Wabbur? Jah blid imj lefen!
Danni:...precis....HAHAHHAHAHA XD
Osv, osv...
Alltså...Jag älskar den<3
The days we spent together still live...
Au revôir <3
PS. Jag längtar till le japanska<3 ^^

Show me your affection...
I think I'm addicted. This song has put a spell on me...And I can't get it out of my head...It's so real, so beautiful...If I only knew the translation...Soon...
I want it, I need it, Oh baby, Oh baby...xD
Jag längtar tills på lördag!
This is killing me. No. It's like a bullet och knife that doesn't kill you...It just leaves you there, vulnerable, bleeding...Empty...
*Going psyco*
Au revôir<3
Jag tänkte att det var på tiden jag uppdaterade. Hehehe. Veckan har varit bra. I måndags kollade vi på min favoritfilm. På tal om ingeting alltså. Ehm. Jag har varit råförskyld ända sedan i onsdags. Jättejobbigt. Men på torsdagen skulle vi hoppa på ridningen och trots förskylningen så gick det jättebra. I skolan tog vi spexfoton. Temat var Gangsters. Några var Maffioso och några var From tha hood. Jag själv var hippie. Jag demonstraterade. För asså. Jag hade inga kläder eller något. Jag ville vara Ninja...
I fredags tog vi vanliga foton. De blev väl bra. Jag mådde piss hela dagen dock, vi skulle gå Ribbymaran, men vi tog en genväg och så. Jag var på väg att svimma. Så jag skiter fullständigt i att jag inte gick hela. Det var jävligt tur.
Jag missbrukade grönt te hela kvällen. Eller det har jag ju iförsig gjort ända sen i onsdags.
Igår drog jag och Danni till stan. Det regnade inte när vi satt på tåget, men det gjorde det ju självklart när vi gick från stationen. Så vi gick runt i stan med paraplyer och dumma jag hade högklackat. Men jag ska köpa gummistövlar. Jag lovar. Jag köpte en pennkjol, vinröda strumpbyxor och en japanska bok som Danni också köpte, för vi behövde den till japanska kursen. Sedan fikade vi på Kafferepet. ^^
Idag ska jag bara ta det lugnt och vila. Jag ska hinka i mig grönt te och bara försöka mörda den här förskylningen.
Until then...
Au revôir<3
I fredags tog vi vanliga foton. De blev väl bra. Jag mådde piss hela dagen dock, vi skulle gå Ribbymaran, men vi tog en genväg och så. Jag var på väg att svimma. Så jag skiter fullständigt i att jag inte gick hela. Det var jävligt tur.
Jag missbrukade grönt te hela kvällen. Eller det har jag ju iförsig gjort ända sen i onsdags.
Igår drog jag och Danni till stan. Det regnade inte när vi satt på tåget, men det gjorde det ju självklart när vi gick från stationen. Så vi gick runt i stan med paraplyer och dumma jag hade högklackat. Men jag ska köpa gummistövlar. Jag lovar. Jag köpte en pennkjol, vinröda strumpbyxor och en japanska bok som Danni också köpte, för vi behövde den till japanska kursen. Sedan fikade vi på Kafferepet. ^^
Idag ska jag bara ta det lugnt och vila. Jag ska hinka i mig grönt te och bara försöka mörda den här förskylningen.
Until then...
Au revôir<3